[openssl-dev] [openssl.org #4630] Fatal error U1077: 'ias' : return code '0x1' on Skylake processor
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Sebastian Smolorz via RT
2016-07-26 09:42:06 UTC

I'm trying to set up OpenSSL on Windows 10 64-bit (i7 Skylake), having
followed the instructions so far, after installing Visual Studio I
attempted to nmake in the openssl directory using Visual c++ 2008 command
prompt to get the following error:

"C:\Strawberry\perl\bin\perl.exe" "-I." -Mconfigdata "util\dofile.pl"
"-omakefile" "crypto\include\internal\bn_conf.h.in" >
"C:\Strawberry\perl\bin\perl.exe" "-I." -Mconfigdata "util\
dofile.pl" "-omakefile" "crypto\include\internal\dso_conf.h.in" >
"C:\Strawberry\perl\bin\perl.exe" "-I." -Mconfigdata "util\
dofile.pl" "-omakefile" "include\openssl\opensslconf.h.in" >
ias -d debug -ocrypto\aes\aes-ia64.obj "crypto\aes\aes-ia64.asm"
'ias' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.
NMAKE : fatal error U1077: 'ias' : return code '0x1'

This error is different if I try to compile the 32 bit version. That
results in an error referencing NASM which I tried to install with no luck. I
was working on the latest version and I've now tried older releases which
threw fatal error U1001: syntax error : illegal character '{' in macro. I
believe IAS is referring to the Itanium processor architecture but my
machine has a Skylake processor.

Thank you for taking the time to read my question.
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Andy Polyakov via RT
2016-07-30 16:57:17 UTC
Post by Sebastian Smolorz via RT
I'm trying to set up OpenSSL on Windows 10 64-bit (i7 Skylake), having
followed the instructions so far, after installing Visual Studio I
attempted to nmake in the openssl directory using Visual c++ 2008 command
"C:\Strawberry\perl\bin\perl.exe" "-I." -Mconfigdata "util\dofile.pl"
"-omakefile" "crypto\include\internal\bn_conf.h.in" >
"C:\Strawberry\perl\bin\perl.exe" "-I." -Mconfigdata "util\
dofile.pl" "-omakefile" "crypto\include\internal\dso_conf.h.in" >
"C:\Strawberry\perl\bin\perl.exe" "-I." -Mconfigdata "util\
dofile.pl" "-omakefile" "include\openssl\opensslconf.h.in" >
ias -d debug -ocrypto\aes\aes-ia64.obj "crypto\aes\aes-ia64.asm"
'ias' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.
NMAKE : fatal error U1077: 'ias' : return code '0x1'
You've chosen wrong platform target at ./Configure command. You've
passed VC-WIN64I, when you should have passed VC-WIN64A. For reference,
originally "I" stood for "Intel" and "A" stood for "AMD". Now we pretend
that "I" stands for "Itanium" and "A" still stands for whatever your
imagination takes you...
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