Thanks for the helping me understand the whole entropy thing better. It is still get the feeling that this is a "best effort" thing and that nobody can actually proof what is correct. I am probably just bringing the math down to my level - sorry.
With that said for validation I still need to be sure that I give the required entropy back from the OpenSSL callback. Now since I am not allowed to use a hash with the DRBGs (FIPS lab and SP800-90B section 8.4), can you please confirm that, with a source of raw 2b/B entropy data, I need to return 4 times the data from the callback function?
Post by Paul Dale-----Original Message-----
Paul Dale
Sent: 28 July 2016 02:33 AM
Subject: Re: [openssl-dev] DRBG entropy
John's spot on the mark here. Testing gives a maximum entropy not a
minimum. While a maximum is certainly useful, it isn't what you really
need to guarantee your seeding.
A simple example which passes the NIST SP800-90B first draft tests with
seed = π - 3
for i = 1 to n do
seed = frac(exp(1+2*seed))
entropy[i] = 256 * frac(2^20 * seed)
where frac is the fractional part function, exp is the exponential
I.e. start with the fractional part of the transcendental π and iterate
with a simple exponential function. Take bits 21-28 of each iterate as a
byte of "entropy". Clearly there is really zero entropy present: the
formula is simple and deterministic; the floating point arithmetic
operations will all be correctly rounded; the exponential is evaluated in
a well behaved area of its curve where there will be minimal rounding
concerns; the bits being extracted are nowhere near where any rounding
would occur and any rounding errors will likely be deterministic anyway.
Yet this passes the SP800-90B (first draft) tests as IID with 7.89 bits of
entropy per byte!
IID is a statistical term meaning independent and identically distributed
which in turn means that each sample doesn't depend on any of the other
samples (which is clearly incorrect) and that all samples are collected
from the same distribution. The 7.89 bits of entropy per byte is pretty
much as high as the NIST tests will ever say. According to the test
suite, we've got an "almost perfect" entropy source.
There are other test suites if you've got sufficient data. The Dieharder
suite is okay, however the TestU01 suite is most discerning I'm currently
aware of. Still, neither will provide an entropy estimate for you. For
either of these you will need a lot of data -- since you've got a hardware
RNG, this shouldn't be a major issue. Avoid the "ent" program, it seems
to overestimate the maximum entropy present.
John's suggestion of collecting additional "entropy" and running it
through a cryptographic has function is probably the best you'll be able
to achieve without a deep investigation. As for how much data to collect,
be conservative. If the estimate of the maximum entropy is 2.35 bits per
byte, round this down to 2 bits per byte, 1 bit per byte or even ½ bit per
byte. The lower you go the more likely you are to be getting the entropy
you want. The trade-off is the time for the hardware to generate the data
and for the processor to hash it together.
Dr Paul Dale | Cryptographer | Network Security & Encryption Phone +61 7
3031 7217 Oracle Australia
-----Original Message-----
Sent: Wednesday, 27 July 2016 11:40 PM
Subject: Re: [openssl-dev] DRBG entropy
Post by Leon BritsI have a chip (FDK RPG100) that generates randomness, but the
SP800-90B python test suite indicated that the chip only provides
2.35 bits/byte of entropy. According to FIPS test lab the lowest value
from all the tests are used as the entropy and 2 is too low. I must
however make use of this chip.
That's a problem on several levels.
Testing can certainty show the absence of entropy.
Testing can never show the presence of entropy.
That is to say, you have ascertained that 2.35 bits/byte is an /upper
bound/ on the entropy density coming from the chip. If you care about
security, you need a lower bound. Despite what FIPS might lead you to
believe, you cannot obtain this from testing.
The only way to obtain it is by understanding how the chip works.
This might require a treeeemendous amount of effort and expertise.
Secondly, entropy is probably not even the correct concept. For any given
probability distribution P, i.e. for any given ensemble, there are many
measurable properties (i.e. functionals) you might look at.
Entropy is just one of them. It measures a certain /average/ property.
For cryptologic security, depending on your threat model, it is quite
possible that you ought to be looking at something else. It may help to
H_0[P] = multiplicity = Hartley functional
H_1[P] = plain old entropy = Boltzmann functional
H_∞[P] = adamance
The entropy H_1 may be appropriate if the attacker needs to break all
messages, or a "typical" subset of messages. The adamance H_∞ may be more
appropriate if there are many messages and the attacker can win by
breaking any one of them.
-- A small multiplicity (H_0) guarantees the problem is easy for the
-- A large adamance (H_∞) guarantees the problem is hard for the
Now let us fast-forward and suppose, hypothetically, that you have
obtained a lower bound on what the chip produces.
One way to proceed is to use a hash function. For clarity, let's pick
SHA-256. Obtain from the chip not just 256 bits of adamance, but 24 bits
more than that, namely 280 bits. This arrives in the form of a string of
bytes, possibly hundreds of bytes. Run this through the hash function.
The output word is 32 bytes i.e. 256 bits of high-quality randomness. The
a) There will be 255.99 bits of randomness per word, guaranteed
with high probability, more than high enough for all practical
b) It will be computationally infeasible to locate or exploit
the missing 0.01 bit.
Note that it is not possible to obtain the full 256 bits of randomness in
a 256-bit word. Downstream applications must be designed so that 255.99
is good enough.
As with all of crypto, this requires attention to detail. You need to
protect the hash inputs, outputs, and all intermediate calculations. For
example, you don't want such things to get swapped out.
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